Friday, May 15, 2009

Preparing for the journey

A delegation of 10 will leave Kansas City on May 23 for a 20-day trip to China. The schedule for the journey looks challenging and exciting. A summary follows:

May 24-26 -- Beijing. Staying at Kempinski Hotel. Highlights -- Great Wall, shopping, banquet at People's Hall, tour Forbidden City and Tianamen Square, shopping at the Silk Market, cultural heritage show.

May 27-28 -- Hangzhou. Staying at Hyatt Hotel. Tour of West Lake and Leifeng Pagoda Tower, shop at Silk Street Market, tour of tea plantation, tour city.

May 29-31 -- Zhengzhou. Staying at Yuda Hotel. Highlights -- university visits and performances, Henan Provincial Museum, banquet with Vice Governor, foot massage, tour Zhengzhou Yutong Group Co., banquet with Mayor Wang, Shaolin Temple Grand Music Performance, graduation, visit Brynda Institute of Technology--.

June 1-2 -- Chengdu -- opening ceremony of elementary school, visit panda reserve, dinner with provincial officials.

June 3-4 -- Xi'an. Terracotta Soldiers, Tang Dynasty Park, dumpling banquet and show.

June 4-6 -- Shenyang. Imperial Palace, Jade Buddha Temple, special hotpot dinner, graduation.

June 7 -- Beijing. graduation, Olympic site, Madame Butterfly performance.

June 8-10 -- Shanghai. Yuyuan Garden, Nanjing Road, Pudong District, Oriental Pearl TV Tower and other Shanghai sites, riverboat cruise.

June 10-11 -- return flights.


  1. I hope I am the first to wish you a great time! I hope your feet do not swell on the airplane flight. Ermie has $5 on pitting edema +1. I have $5 on pitting edema +2--and that is just for Dorothy. Heaven knows about you two and Joe.

    Can't wait to read more.


  2. I've added my picture now. I am the one who looks like Georgine.

    P.S. This is the first time I have blogged. I hope I don't upset the family.

